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I chose to reflect on this specific remix because it was the first and possibly my favorite piece to create. I love the characters and the process that went into making this remix. Creating meaning through images is a hard task to undertake, but I think that I showed the main ideas in our reading without the need for more than five words.

Remix journaling throughout the semester has been one of my favorite activities for active involvement in after class studies. I think that forming your thoughts into an understandable visual piece is hard. But once you've come up with an idea that can fit the reading, you already have put more thought into the piece than you normally would in other classes that use other mediums to judge understanding. 

I think the biggest benefit of remix journaling would be the increased attention and understanding necessary to create a visual piece that fits the reading. Without these remixes, I think my understanding of the topics we covered would not be as precise or as diverse as it would be otherwise. Remixes force you to fully understand the topic before undertaking the visual aspect, it's not just a copy/paste.

I am not sure if I have suggestions to improve remix journaling, but I specifically like how you can use a piece of media not created for this class and relate it to the topic in another way. I think this feature really helps when you're swamped with work and do not have as much time to create a new remix. It still forces you to think about the topic to effectively relate to the image, but it gives you some extra time to focus on other tasks.

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